2020 starts with a view of the depot.
The overhead line has not yet been extended to the bumper.
On the sidings are all freight wagons and a blue carriage, which later became the R.T.M. would become B 1526.
The overhead line is extended to the end point at the buffer stop.
Further on, locomotive 5 still with it's old livery and serves as traction for the work tram.
Locomotive 5 with M.B.S. freight cars 281 and 282 as tram material for the overhead line installation.
View of the empty depot area, with the track for the electric tram
a small change in the planning, now the bottom left is connected to the main runway.
The switch is brand new and has just been installed, so the bumper bar could be removed.
The slight slope on which the track is laid is clearly visible.
This later turned out to be too much for the smooth running of the trams
be leveled out in one of the following projects.
February 24, 2020
The new major addition of track has been constructed, a second connecting track between
the trading area (out of view on the right) and the Remise area.
This track is not equipped with overhead lines and will not be provided with such
electric tram does not play a leading role on this outdoor track.
On the sidings the long row of freight wagons that have been purchased so far.
Unlike the use of standard L.G.B. rails, this arc leads to the level crossing from manufacturer TrainLine45.
These rails are of better quality but have a slightly larger curve radius of 1200mm in contrast to that of L.G.B. which is 1195mm (R3).
March 14, 2020
The second major change is in full swing where the depot has been moved to a different location.
A signal box has also been added, in which all electrical connections are made for switches, lighting and more.
Not visible behind the depot, but already included in this project, is the
connection to the roof.
This is where stabling tracks 31, 32 and 33 are located, where tram equipment can be parked at night.
March 15, 2020
A day later the project was changed slightly, with the overhead line being given a different construction.
Also visible is the work tram for overhead line installation.
The tank plate has now also been given a place, as has the mill in the background.
March 15, 2020
G.T.N. 9 under the overhead line for aligning the contact wire.
At the location of the signal box, the connection block is visible with the connection to
the central control box.
From this point, the new overhead line masts will be placed towards the 'Waterleiding' terminus.
The masts were manufactured in our own workshop and will be discussed in another chapter
extensively discussed.
The old L.G.B. overhead lines hung too low and had too many restrictions.
The overhead line mast next to the railcar is the power supply for the overhead line and
also area lighting.
Further on are the new homes that decorate the outdoor track.
May 5, 2020
The second turning loop around the depot is ready.
Next to the depot there are some old L.G.B. masts stored, more would follow soon...
The R1 track in this turning loop is completely second-hand from Germany.
May 7, 2020
The depot area is now fully equipped with working overhead lines.
The construction is kept simple and single-wire for easy changes
and enable replacements.
The transverse tensions between the masts are kept in tension with springs.
May 7, 2020
Another project that ran parallel to the depot site project was the construction
of a second turning loop to the end point 'Waterleiding'.
For this purpose, a temporary viaduct was constructed with the loop partly running over the terrace.
The switch in the photo is a spring switch that automatically leads to the right, without
electrical operation.
The overhead line is also functional here.
May 11, 2020
On the main track to the bridge is locomotive M.B.S. EL 103 D IV, it has pushed G.T.N. 9 up to the switch to determine the position of the contact wire above the switch.
The installation of the new overhead line masts has progressed up to the switch
In the arch, the old contact wire has already been removed up to the bridge.
The new masts are located in the inner arch.
On top of the railcar lies a buffer plate that broke off during pushing...
The scene viewed from the other side...
The replacement of the overhead line is finished up to the bridge.
Above the section divisions of the turning loop (rail breaks), also interruptions are hanging in the overhead line, with the intention of being able to reverse polarity.
This construction turned out to be unnecessary and the electric tram had to be reversed
by changing the minus wire from the left to the right rail.
Nothing more and nothing less!
So what is left + and right - for the diesel trams has no influence on the power supply to the overhead lines. It remains positive at all times.
This is possible because the overhead line has its own power supply compared to the diesel trams.
This is discussed further in the 'control' chapter.
Removing the old (low) overhead line masts.
May 16, 2020
The replacement of the overhead lines is completed, all old overhead lines have been completely replaced.
On the mast with the red bracket there is a small sign with the indication of a diode, with
as meaning 'reversed from this point'.
There is also such an indication on the same mast, just out of sight next to the depot.
All old masts are stored at the depot.
Also visible in this photo is the turning loop for the diesel trams, the section separation of which is just next to the small shed.
This was constructed to 'triangulate' a complete tram.
This was used very little and was broken up again during the last major modification project.
In memory of the old situation and with a wink
to the old hill line of Gemeente Tram Nijmegen line 2, on March 22, 2020 G.T.N. 9 passes over the tram viaduct
underneath the former low overhead line.
The city tram car still has the deeply pressed down B.B.C. scissor pantograph, which later is
be replaced by a Siemens S.S.W. type B pantograph.
May 19, 2020
The regular derailments on the switches at the beginning of the Handelsterrein caused
a major change.
But first investigate why.
The excessive height difference on a route that was too short turned out to be the culprit.
The brand new switch is already at the correct level with a difference of 18mm compared to the old route.
After re-profiling the switch, it turned out that the slope was still too steep.
As a rule, switches are placed (almost) level and in this situation the switch is still leaning too far.
Time for a complete review of the entire situation in situ....
Above is the old rail plan from May 19, 2020 with the three turning loops, stabling tracks 31, 32 and 33 under the roof, the section with overhead lines in blue and the diesel section in red/orange.
Above the new, applied rail plan of June 7, 2020 with two turning loops,
stabling tracks 31, 32 and 33 under the roof, the route with overhead lines in blue and
the modified diesel route in red.
This time a major project involving the old stop with a turning loop on the terrace
The entire building was demolished and was moved to the Handelsterrein.
The (grey) switch 205 at the top center was later inserted into the blue main track
and on the depot area below, the next partial change has already been registered, but
would not be implemented.
The final rail plan of July 25, 2020.
The switching lane prepared in the previous rail plan, intended for the depot area, was ultimately placed on the Handelsterrein.
The depot site was replaced by an actually unwanted one
conflict crossing, where electrified track must cross non-electrified track.
It has not resulted in any conflicts to date.
The work is in full progress.
The old turning loop has been completely demolished and removed, the viaduct has been reused and moved.
The old bridge abutments are still there, but were removed shortly after the photo was taken.
A freight tram on the old passing loop, the diesel trams continued as scheduled,
albeit with mandates on this part of the route.
The construction of the ramp aside the fence between the terrace and the Handelsterrein.
To prevent the slope from becoming too steep again, it
regularly was checked and measured.
Once again the construction of the ramp aside the fence between terrace and Handelsterrein.
Further on on the Handelsterrein railyard in development, the new route bed is progressing steadily, it is
all reused substrate.
Past the white mixing container, another part of the old route.
In the foreground on the left under the parasol, the track is almost up to the bridge, we are waiting for the pieces of flex rail that were ordered for this project, but have not yet been delivered.
The remains of the temporary viaduct of the old turning loop are against the shed.
The ramp to the bridge viewed from the other side.
All track layers and mechanics have already gone home, it is quiet on the construction site.
Only the 'green care' service came by, because of
the persistent drought, to provide thirsty plants with water...
June 3, 2020
Not only has the foundation of the second part of the Handelsterrein railyard already been layed,
the second curve was re-profiled, for which the switches have already been laid.
The connection box is ready been installed between the tracks and ready for cable connecting.
At a later stage in this project it would be replaced by a 'switching station' that would not be placed next, instead between the tracks.
Behind the large clock mast there is already a stack of rails ready for the turning loop yet to be built
which came from the old turning loop.
June 3, 2020
An overview of the Handelsterrein railyard viewed from the gardenshed.
The grass at the neighbors, visible between the planks of the fence, appears
so not always greener....
July 25, 2020
As a sub-project, the new interchange street lays ready on the kitchen table, complete with the design plan.
Because four switches run simultaneously, a single drive was chosen, which is located below
the cover is placed between the rear two points.
It performed its task excellently until the end of November 2020.
During the next major modification project in 2021, the drives will be tested (as a test)
replaced by digital drives, where each switch is equipped with its own drive.
The switches move slowly and faithfully and again at the same time.
Below is the old situation with from left to right. switches no. 206, 105 and 205.
The switching station can be seen at the bottom right.
Switches 206 and 105 have been broken up, only the drive of switch 206 was left in place.
The new situation, with the single drive of the interchange street visible.
Top right the drive of switch 206A, the left part of the cross switch, the
also switches the adjustment track located center right of the cross switch.
The overhead line, which was temporarily removed for the project, has also been replaced.
Once again the new situation, with the switching station and some freight wagons
the adjustment track, at night.
The power supply for the overhead line comes from the switching station, the overhead line switch with power wire is located on the light pole.
Not all of the track has new (unfortunately too coarse) ballast, on the left there is still a small section of track with the old ballast.
So far the developments until the end of 2020.
Two major projects are planned for 2021: first, the adjustment of the interchange street below to the old situation with 2 switches (this interchange street is needed elsewhere)
and secondly, the redevelopment of the depot area, but more about that in the chapter on 2021.