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- R.T.M. MABD 1801 motor carriage | Model Buurt Spoor
R.T.M. MABD 1801 'Sperwer' motor carriage Please note: this page will be updated during the construction of the motor vehicle R.T.M. MABD 1801 'Sperwer' was a railcar from 1925 with a diesel-mechanical drive, with the drive unit located in the luggage compartment and driving the inner axle via cardan shafts of both bogies. The axle configuration of this was 1A'-A1'. The 1801 was built by Linke-Hofmann in Breslau and put into service as R.T.M. 318, was renumbered after the war in 1946 to M 64, rebuilt in 1951 and renumbered to M 1701 and renumbered again in 1953, now to MABD 1801, where it was also given the bird name Sperwer (Sparrowhawk). R.T.M. MABD 1801 'Sperwer' was withdrawn from service after a collision with a tanktruck and demolished in 1962. Shortly before the invasion of 1940, Rotterdamsche Tramweg Maatschappij diesel tram No 318 prepares to leave Rosestraat in Rotterdam with a pair of bogie trailer carriages. R.T.M. MAB 1701 on the 2e Rosestraat in Rotterdam, early 1950s, without the luggage compartment and without the bird name. (photographer n.a.) R.T.M. MABD 1801 'Sperwer' in Hellevoetsluis on July 21, 1959 (photo H.Ruitenbeek coll. J.J. Smit) Construction started on November 14, 2023. The railcar will be made entirely of plastic, this method is new in the workshop, although tests have already been carried out on the left and right. The polystyrene plastic is much cheaper and easier to machine than brass. Both the running bogie and the motor bogie were already in order and tested and can be mounted immediately. Unlike all other equipment from the M.B.S. and R.T.M. the MABD 1801 is the first motor vehicle with axles on bearings. This is not an unnecessary luxury, as the railcar has a fairly large weight mounted under the floor, because plastic is too light in itself to get sufficient adhesion to the track. It will certainly benefit the driving characteristics. The first photo of the plastic frame with the name and construction date, made of PVC laminate flooring. Initially the wagon floor was too high for the superstructure, so recesses were made in which the bogies could rotate. The minimum radius for the curves to be driven on is 1000mm (R2.5), anything smaller will inevitably lead to derailments. An overview of the frame, with the bogies recessed into the frame. If desired, the wagon floor could be lowered even further, but tests must first be carried out. The completely overhauled NWSL motor truck which previously sat under the M 1806 and was in storage for more than 4 years. The bogie sides have been reproduced from the drawing, with the current collection buses concealed behind them. The smaller distance between the wheels and the underside of the wagon floor is clearly visible. For this purpose, spacers have been placed between the subframe and the vehicle floor. These 4.5mm high spacers lower the vehicle floor sufficiently to provide a visually propriate appearance. Getting rid of it in the passenger compartment will now be quite a task. The fact that these motor units are constructed so high is because the axle of the electric motor is fitted almost 11 mm higher than the wheel axles. This powered bogie no longer had tilting shoulders, visible as the small white piece of plastic at the bottom of the subframe. the M6 nut., this was not necessary for the previous application in the M 1806 'Bergeend'. These tilting shoulders give the motor truck the opportunity to tilt relative to the subframe. Another overview of the frame, with the bogies recessed 9mm (double spacers) into the frame. This again was brought back to 4.5 mm (single spacers), because the luggage compartment floor then compares at exactly the right height opposite the track height. The self-supporting frame has now been given bevels at both ends. In front of it is a copy of the N.V.B.S. working drawing, from which the 1801 will be constructed. With a length of 16m, this was the longest motor vehicle at the R.T.M. ever. To create a sturdier frame, long profiles have been attached to the bottom. These 15mm x 15mm corner profiles are mounted to the frame plate with M3 bolts and easily carry the ballast weight of over 600gr. This ballast weight of 165x100x12mm will be cut in two equal halves mounted close to the bogies, which will improve the traction and driving characteristics. The subframe plates on which the non-powered truck and motor truck hang have also been remounted to the frame to obtain the correct floor height compared to B.S. (top of the rail). After hanging the ballast weights underneath, the first inner walls can be placed. Once again the reinforced frame with corner profiles and the ballast weight in the middle, here in one piece. The wagon floor is exactly to scale height with B.S., the subframes are concealed and the spacers have been replaced by pieces of floor part.
- Carriages | Model Buurt Spoor
THE COACHES (CONVERSION) The towed passenger stock from manufacturer L.G.B. was replaced by M.B.S. AB 1 and AB 7, spring of 2023. These self-built M.B.S. passenger coaches is more accurate to scale and fits very well with other self-built equipment already in service. The two former Rhaetian Railway coaches both have been taken out of service and are waiting for a new owner. Building associated coaches has been on the agenda for a long time, but is now easier with the materials and construction methods used. The intention was to add several R.T.M. coaches, the management has retracted from this point of view while R.T.M. no longer has a main share in M.B.S. The construction of the second tram set M.B.S. EL 105 - AB 12 D II has been announced (March 25, 2023), of which the AB 12 will be the fourth self-built passenger coach. Coach M.B.S. B 27 now again has the previous appearance with open balconies but with a new gray-blue color scheme, also M.B.S. B 28 was new added, so that the number of coaches increased by two. M.B.S. B 27 The first passenger coach purchased is M.B.S. B 27 of the Metallurgique type. Imported from Germany and composed of two custom L.G.B. Toy train wagons with an open balcony on one side. The blind side of these carriages has been removed and the two halves merged together and mounted on a extended frame with bogies. In that capacity it served as a sidecar until a third Toytrain car with 2 windows was added as a section was glued between two head ends. By this way a passenger coach was created consisting of three parts. The carriage then had 8 windows and the open balconies were later closed, creating a full-fledged coach. It then as R.T.M. B 1526 numbered passenger coach did not yet have interior lighting, but it was prepared for this. Because the R.T.M. no longer has a main share in M.B.S., this coache was taken out of service on July 8, 2023. It is completely overhauled to the condition with open balconies, after which it was given the gray-blue color scheme. The new number is M.B.S. B 27, a coache with 58 seats. M.B.S. B 28 M.B.S. B 28 is a passenger coach composed of two city tram wagons (ex-G.T.N. emw 9 - ahr 107) of the Herbrand type. G.T.N. emw 9 - ahr 107 had been out of service for a long time and there were plans on the drawing board for a conversion to an Arnhem city tram. These came to nothing and the tram remained out of service. To limit the chronic shortage of coaches at M.B.S., this set has been renovated in such a way that one composite coach was created. The balcony on one side of both carriages was removed, after which the two halves were assembled together. The housing for the motor truck and bogie were removed, after which two Herbrand bogies were placed under the carriage. Furthermore, ballast weights were installed and the roof of the former city tram was emptied, so that one skylight remained. This coach has a gray-blue color scheme with number M.B.S. B 28. It seats 32 passengers on longitudinal benches.
- R.T.M. MABD 1602 'Reiger' | Model Buurt Spoor
R.T.M. MABD 1602 'Reiger' The R.T.M. MABD 1602 'Reiger' is the second motor vehicle from the first construction series. Built in the fall of 1993, construction was completed on November 15, 1993 without specialized tools. This model was the first model built entirely with brass sheets and parts. It had, just like the M 67, M 1806 'Bergeend' and M 65 - ABP 422, a N.W.S.L. motor truck and an L.G.B. bogie. This motorcar was also sold to the R.T.M. in May 1997. On September 25, 2021, R.T.M. MABD 1602 'Reiger' went back to the M.B.S. workshop for a complete overhaul involving a new HLW drive, new electrical installation, new windows, a new coat of paint and received a full damage repair. All changes made by third parties after the sale in 1997 have been removed and the motorcar is restored to its original state. This eliminated, for example, the strange grilles in the lower windows of the engine room and also the sliding windows. These sliding windows prevent the smoke generator from functioning properly. On December 6, 2021, t he restoration of the R.T.M. MABD 1602 'Reiger' was completed. During this restoration, the cabin door on the left side of the engine was replaced, the roof grille above the engine room was replaced and the railcar was repainted . Recovery report from R.T.M. MABD 1602 'Reiger' The damage sustained is clearly visible on the steering position of the engine compartment side. After the fan and a roof section above the engine compartment had been removed, the old and worn-out NWSL motor truck could be taken out. What remains is an unusual view of the test track below. On the right the partition wall with the steering position and on the left the smoke generator. The engine compartment is also being restored, where sliding windows were glued that were not originally there, as well as the tinted lower windows. The removed plastic left door, which will be replaced by a brass one. All windows will also be replaced, but the pillars will be retained as far as possible. It is clearly visible that the roof has been repainted in a not so flourishing and accurate manner (unfortunately). The roof will also be stripped of the old layers of paint, so that the end result looks neat again. The sheet metal has been stripped of layers of paint to allow soldering. The space that became available when the old motor truck was dismantled has been filled again with the new motor truck. For this purpose, a 1mm plywood plate had to be fixed to which the motor truck turns. This mounting method is the same as for all traction vehicles with the same drive. The bogie sides are the same as those that have always been underneath. A look into the engine compartment, where the plywood sheet is clearly visible. The truck floor of the 1602 is slightly less than 10 mm thick, the pivot spot that is attached to the motor truck and where the wires protrude will later be concealed between these 10 mm. The wires from the motor truck are then connected to a PCB, on which the switches for the lighting, the smoke generator, the drive motor and the main switch also are located. Couplings are essential to be able to take other carriages with you. Initially the 1602 was equipped with a miniature Vicinaux coupling with which all railcars and carriages from the 1st series was equipped. In order to be able to take equipment with you that is equipped with the usual LGB coupling, mounting such a coupling is a solution. For this purpose, the 1602 will be positioned more than 5 mm higher on the bogies and the buffers will be in line with standard LGB equipment. The coupled car is the M.B.S. 276, used here for reference. The new LGB coupling on the 1602 will be mounted 1 to 1.5 mm higher, so that coupling is smoother. The first test drive with the new motor truck went successfully. Once the electrical installation has been installed, I can have a test drive on the outdoor track to see whether the irregularities that occur on the outdoor track, don't cause any problems... The painter has been busy removing the old layers of paint last week. The roof largely has been cleaned, so that the sheet metal department can soon start repairing the damage. The necessary (partly missing) parts have been ordered, such as new headlight lenses. The old light bulbs will also be replaced by modern LED lighting, so that there are no disruptions more could arise. This is the steering position side with damage. In the past, an attempt was made to resolder the head posts, but this is only possible on clean metal (i.e. without layers of paint or dirt). The old light bulbs are clearly visible. The roof part above the engine compartment will soon be closed with plastic roof, so that the engine compartment in which the blower is fixed creates an overpressure, causing the air flow to exit via the smoke generator and exhaust with smoke. This construction is the original situation and is different from that applied to the engine compartments of the M.B.S. DIV, R.T.M. M 1806 and M.B.S. D III... For this purpose, the engine compartment must be (almost) airtight and must therefore contain no openings, such as sliding windows, etc., added later. The entire roof has now been stripped of all old layers of paint. This revealed that there were cracks in various soldered transitions of the roof parts, which were re-soldered. The new LED lighting has already been installed on the other steering position side, as well as the PCB with switches under the motor car. On Saturday October 9, the engine compartment has windows again, with the lower ones being properly tinted. Furthermore, the entire engine compartment has been made (almost) airtight, so that the blower can create excess pressure to blow the smoke out of the smoke generator. Not yet recovered from all the damage, MABD 1602 'Reiger' had a test drive on the M.B.S. garden railway on November 20th, 2021. A few minor adjustments are still needed to ensure that the motor vehicle runs completely smoothly. For the time being, the 1602 will go back into the workshop. To be continued. To install the windows in the cabin on the engine compartment side, it was necessary to remove a fixed roof part. This revealed another case of damage, which was plastered away after the round roof section was dented. This was not the case when it was sold in 1997.... Then let's fix this right away while we're at it. The new door is fixed also, as it was originally installed. This dent in the round roof part is somewhat visible at the top left (next to the measuring rod). Once the cabin windows have been installed, also put the electrical wires from the top spotlight in place. It's a good thing the roof hatch above the engine compartment is removable... The roof part has now been "welded" back onto the railcar, everything has been returned to its original condition. Soon nothing will be visible of the surplus solder, but this is the way the railcar was built initially. An overview photo of the repaired damage, where the new door clearly stands out. The partial styles are originally from the old door.... Both cabins also have new windows, the other parts of the motor vehicle also get these. The R.T.M. MABD 1602 'Reiger' now has all the glazing installed and is ready for the painter in the workshop. The lenses for the headlights are still in backorder and will be delivered soon. In the back the M.B.S. EL 103 D IV which is in the workshop for winter overhaul. The painter has now repainted a large part of the railcar. The roof is gray again with red heads and the white is again bright in color around the windows. Previously the paint was high-gloss, but now it has become silk matt. This is because the paint is easier to repair if damaged. A mounting solution still needs to be found for the removable roof part. Please note, this motor vehicle is almost 30 years old (!). Op het gewicht blok onder de motorwagen staat de lijst van gebeurtenissen chronologisch weergegeven. Hierbij valt de notering van een aanrijding op... Dit is niet de aanrijding waarvoor de motorwagen een volledige revisie benodigde, eerder lichte schade waarbij e.e.a. uit elkaar genomen moest worden. The R.T.M. MABD 1602 'Reiger' is freshly painted in the M.B.S. workshop waiting for the last parts. The company logos on the side walls are new, previously these were cut-out paper copies, now made on the PC and printed on decall waterslide paper. The only disadvantage the white color is not printed, so the background has to be made white. The white letters and numbers M1602 on both fronts were hand painted... On December 6, 2021, R.T.M. MABD 1602 'Reiger' is ready for delivery to the rightful owner, Stichting v/h Rotterdamse Tramweg Maatschappij in Ouddorp NL. As mentioned before, they have owned my second model since 1997. It is the first restoration in 28 years..! The photo above shows the side that always drove towards Rotterdam. Dezelfde motorwagen, maar nu de zijde die altijd van Rotterdam af reed, in dit geval richting Oostvoorne. Met deze oplevering is dit tussen-project voltooid. De motorwagen is volledig opnieuw geschilderd, waarbij alle kleuren in zijdeglans zijn, m.u.v. de roomwitte bovenzijde (hiervan was geen zijdeglans versie beschikbaar). Voorts is de aandrijving, de beglazing, vier R.T.M.-logo's, het dakluik boven de motorruimte, de koppelingen en de elektrische installatie vervangen. Wat origineel is gebleven is de beschildering van de 'Reiger'-afbeeldingen aan weerszijden en toegevoegd is de interieurverlichting. Voordat de motorwagen werd overgedragen, is uitgebreid worden proef gereden op de M.B.S. tuinbaan, voor zover de weersomstandigheden dit toelieten. Het restauratie project is gestart op 25 september 2021 en afgerond op 6 december 2021 en op 6 juni 2022 is de motorwagen overhandigd aan de rechtmatige eigenaar.
- R.T.M. M 1652 'Puttershoek' | Model Buurt Spoor
R.T.M. M 1652 'PUTTERSHOEK' The third model from the second series is the R.T.M. M1652 'Puttershoek'. When expanding the garden railway, it turned out to be necessary to have a good shunting locomotive. The R.T.M. M 1652 'Puttershoek' was built in the autumn of 2020. While the first shunting operations were carried out with a modified Gmeinder (L.G.B. 3005), this can now be done with the M 1652. Because a steam locomotive from the Zillertalbahn was included when purchasing the garden railway and I do not (yet) drive with steam in principle, this steam locomotive was scrapped, but its drive has been adapted for the M 1652 by removing the center axle. as well as all connecting rods and other unnecessary items. This drive has a small delay, which gives this locomotive very quiet driving characteristics. The doors of the driver's house of this model can be opened and the locomotive can be equipped with a smoke generator (this is prepared). The locomotive is in service. Construction report from R.T.M. M 1652 'Puttershoek' Gmeinder locomotive 5 was purchased from Germany in 2019 for the shunting services on the garden railway. This small 2-axle machine with coupled axles performed well and was even completely repainted from standard L.G.B. in its last months of service from yellow to olive green. However, locomotive 5 was replaced by R.T.M. in the autumn of 2020. M 1652 'Puttershoek', after which locomotive 5 went out of service and was stored without a drive unit. Since July 2023 M.B.S. Locomotive 5 has been renumbered to M.B.S. 49, taken out of the mothballed fleet and put into service. Locomotive 49 (ex-loc 5) in the olive green version, shortly before it was taken out of service on 25-01-2020 The first purchase of rail and equipment included an Austrian Reihe-U (Unzmarkt) locomotive. Because there was no employment for this steam locomotive on the garden railway, it was removed and ultimately demolished. The drive has a nice slight deceleration on the driven axles, ideal for shunting. The middle axle of this old 3-axis drive has been removed and all unnecessary items have been removed also and made suitable for the M 1652. The old 3-axis drive during conversion as a drive for the M 1652, May 20, 2020 The manufacture of the frame of the M 1652 with the recess for the adapted drive. This frame plate is 2 mm thick and made of hardened brass for a sturdy frame, May 20, 2020 Frame and drivetrain assembled, May 20, 2020 The structure of the M 1652 is made of 0.5 mm brass plate, with the recesses for the windows being made in advance. The frame has now received the shin plates and buffer plates, with the leaf springs, sand spreaders and air tank already mounted. The recesses for the steps and buffers have also been installed, August 15, 2020 One of the old weight blocks from the steam locomotive was used for the grille, its shape matched the grille without significant adjustments and also serves for extra pressure on the wheels, August 17, 2020 The headlights use 5mm LED reflectors and cover caps from Wedico type 24262 (12mm). The front headlights have been mounted, another 2.5 mm will be cut off to achieve the correct size. The motor hood has now also been installed, August 22, 2020 Connecting the front lights, August 22, 2020 Installing the various railings, handles, sliding doors, etc. The shortened free-standing front lights are clearly visible, August 29, 2020 The M 1652 in dismantled condition, shortly before the locomotive went to the spray booth, August 29, 2020 The frame after painting, August 30, 2020 The real R.T.M. M 1652 'Putterhoek' on the Handelsterrein in Rotterdam in 1960 (photo Ruitenbeek) This locomotive served as an example for the model. The model of the R.T.M. M 1652 'Puttershoek' on December 29, 2020, as it serves on the garden railway. The number plates, factory plates and nameplates are specially manufactured in Great Britain. These etched plates are really the cherries on the cake...!
- Freight wagons | Model Buurt Spoor
The freight cars M.B.S. series 100 closed 4-axle vehicles M.B.S.124 closed four-axle car is a successor to the existing M.B.S. series 122 - 123, ex-V.M.H. series 151 -152. A third V.M.H. car no. 153 from the same series was converted into postal baggage car no. 3 and after takeover by the M.B.S. it was given number EL 113. In terms of model, the M.B.S. 124 has a completely different appearance than the existing cars and therefore has a fictitious number, elaborating on the existing series of 4-axle vehicles. M.B.S. series 200 closed 2-axle vehicles M.B.S. series 200 were closed 2-axle vehicles of different types and brands. The model is consecutively numbered. L.G.B. box car type 4035 has been used, this version is compared the best, only slightly wider. Box car 299 has the highest number in this series because its a personnel car. M.B.S. series 300 open 2-axle vehicles The M.B.S. series 331 - 342 is an existing series of open 2-axle cars from Allan built in 1924, which M.B.S. in addition to the series 301 - 330. The series 331 - 342 had doors with an iron plate instead of wooden paneling and did not have extension gates. In model L.G.B. wagon type 40210 is applied, because this version has the best approach, they are just slightly wider. M.B.S. series 400 open 4-axle vehicles M.B.S. series 401 - 404 is an existing open series 4-axle Allan built in 1913. This series could be equipped with bulkheads or stanchions. M.B.S. series 405 - 410 from M.A.N. were taken over from Lokalbahn A.G. in 1930. (Walhallabahn) and had fixed cladding. M.B.S. series 411 - 413 was the same as series 405 - 410, but the paneling was higher. In model L.G.B. wagon type 45690 is used, this version has the best approach, only slightly wider. Furthermore, the standard stake wagons have been increased in length from 6 to 8 stakes. M.B.S. series 500 dump wagons 2-axle M.B.S. series 500 currently consists of self-unloader 501. This fictional series of freight wagons will be expanded in due course with numbers 502 and 503. All cars has been fictionally taken over from the O.E.G. M.B.S. series 600 The M.B.S. series 600 has not (yet) been applied and currently only exists administratively. M.B.S. series 700 flat 2-axle vehicles M.B.S. series 701 - 705 was a series of open 2-axle cars from Herbrand built in 1893, which the M.B.S. took over from the Cöln-Frechener Strassenbahn in 1914. All of these cars were equal whilst 701 and 702 had a brakeman's seat with braking device. M.B.S. converted the 701 into a weed sprayer and the 702 - 705 into a trailer. O nly 702-703 and 704-704 are included, 701 is part of series 900 as a maintenance vehicle. M.B.S. series 800 tankwagons 2-axle M.B.S. series 800 is a fictional series of tank wagons, currently consisting of tank wagon 801. Tank wagon 801 is specifically intended for diesel oil. M.B.S. serie 900 De M.B.S. serie 9 00 is (nog) niet toegepast en bestaat vooralsnog alleen administratief.
- R.T.M. M 67
R.T.M. M 67 This first production series locomotive, built February 1993, was sold May 1997, together with the other first series equipment, to R.T.M. in Ouddorp and was the first self-built locomotive made by myself . All things assumed, it hardly had driven, if at all, in the 25 years it has been in Ouddorp causing a bad NorthWestShortLine motor truck and different couplings. Through the mediation of A. de Beijer (R.T.M. Ouddorp) with the board of R.T.M. this M 67 has been reacquired as compensation for the restoration of their R.T.M. MABD 1602 'Reiger'. This model was in Ouddorp at R.T.M until June 6, 2022 and now is back in my collection, fulfilling a long-cherished wish. It still had an old N.W.S.L. power truck and L.G.B. bogie, which were replaced by a HLW Urban with excellent driving characteristics. A large 12V battery was housed in the luggage compartment, which provided the power for the lighting and the smoke generator. This battery also served as extra weight for better adhesion. The smoke generator can be filled with real diesel. A blower is placed in front of the exhaust that blows the smoke developed from the smoke generator out through the exhaust. Because the battery provided independent voltage, smoke was already present when we drove away. The entire roof panel can be removed for maintenance and service. The negotiations to regain this very first railcar were successfully concluded. The overhaul was started as an independent project on June 7, 2022 and completed on July 1, 2022, during which the large battery was removed, the motor truck was replaced, the entire (aluminum) frame was replaced by a brass one and missing items were reinstalled, so that the motor vehicle can be used again. is in service. The locomotive is also prepared for conversion to DCC or battery traction. R.T.M. M67 in original version during the exhibition 125 years of passenger and freight transport in the old Zuid-Ooster bus garage in Gennep, November 9, 1996 R.T.M. M67 still in its original version in the display case of the R.T.M. museum in Ouddorp, September 26, 2020 Recovery report from R.T.M. M67 After a thorough inspection for missing parts and whether or not the drive unit, lighting, smoke generator, battery and blower are working, the following was drawn up: 1 The drive unit still works, but runs with difficulty (being preserved) 2 The front lighting works 3 The lighting behind only on the direction of the film cabinet 4 The smoke generator still works. 5 The battery is defective and no longer charges. 6 The blower is defective and no longer runs 7 1 side window is missing but is present 8 The entry step is missing at the rear right All missing items are repaired, the battery has already been removed, the lighting is replaced by LED's and the blower and drive unit are also replaced. Testing the old N.W.S.L. motor truck, shortly before disassembly, M.B.S. workshop June 7, 2022 This valuable information was located on the inside of the roof plate. This data shows that M67 was previously designed as M69 and, in accordance with reality, also had a fire. It appears to me that the locomotive R.T.M. M 69 was painted in Revell 070 color, a completely different and wrong color. Unfortunately, at that time I didn't knew better. I do not have any photos of this version. Built on February 8, 1993, this veteran became of a nice age...! I found this text under a floorboard, this is the date of conversion to M 67. The bogie of M 67, still completely intact. This returns under the motor car, but with two axles with their own power pick-ups. The American-made NorthWest Short Line drive unit of M 67. Intact and working, but unreliable. The (cast) wheels are heavily corroded and some wheels even have a wheel fracture! The truck is preserved together with the original frame. The new Hartland Locomotive Works Interurban drive unit of M 67. These drive units have a axle distance distance of 64 mm and are ideal for self-build models. Unfortunately, H.L.W. dicontinued production of all models a few years ago, including these motor trucks... The M.B.S. workshop still regularly searches for this type of drive, the spare truck in stock has already been reserved for the M.B.S. EL 105. All no longer usable items from M 67 at display, including switches, blower, unnecessarily heavy wiring and old mounting materials. At the top right of the image is a piece of lead that served as extra weight, as lead is poisonous when processed, this is also not reused. The dismantled wagon body seen from the right side. The wagon body seen from above. The laminate floor part (remaining piece), which was used as a car floor, is now clearly visible. Actually completely unsuitable for this purpose. And the wagon body viewed from the underside. Here you can clearly see the recesses in the laminate to allow the wheels of the truck and the complete engine block to function freely. This was the reason to use L-profile 10x10mm when building subsequent models, in instead of 10x10 aluminum U-profile with a piece of residual laminate clamped in between. These aluminum U-profile frame beams are painted black and visible in the photos. Aluminum cannot be soldered and is therefore unsuitable as a frame. During a technical work investigation in the workshop, I decided that the superstructure had to be separate from the wrong aluminum frame avoiding a complete rebuild. The frame has been replaced by a brass L-profile 10x10mm, newly built in accordance with all other motor vehicles. The superstructure (or if you prefer, the wagon body, cabinet, etc.) could be detached from the old frame without any significant problems. This was relatively easy, as all posts were fixed to this frame with brass 1mm nails. The same nails also held the woodwork to the upright posts, something that also had to be changed to 1 mm bolts and nuts, like EL 101, EL 102 and EL 104. Because M67 is much older than the second series locomotives, it had a different mounting method. After 29 years, the wrong frame was separated from the cabinet, something that should have been done from the beginning. The knowledge and experience was not yet at the level as it is today, nor were the materials and resources. The old case of M 67 will be cleaned and repaired where necessary and will be soldered to the new frame. This results in a sturdy and rigid locomotive. The 10x10x1mm profiles for the frame have arrived and have been processed already. This new frame, which still needs to be soldered, is held in place by the future weight plate. New to use profiles were immediately ordered, so that after completion of M 67, construction of the M.B.S. EL 101 as a postal baggage car will follow immediately. Although the collection includes R.T.M. 296 as a large 4-axle wagon, this is a general boxcar instead. Due to a calculation error by the workshop, the frame appears to be 40mm too long. 48 8.5mm instead of 44 8.5mm. No problem, this is relatively easy to shorten at the correct length. The body of M 67 is mounted to the new frame. It will now have its other items, such as the pivots for the bogies, the buffers, the steps, etc. attached. When all items have been mounted to the frame, only then can the body (superstructure) be riveted. Riveting the old body to the new frame. It is important to know the frame and body determine the design, not a drawing. After all, the new frame is an exact copy of the old one, with no deviations. This is also evident when the body is riveted to the frame, everything fits exactly. The right side view of M 67. Only when all rivets have been secured to the frame I can start secure the woodwork to the posts and remove the many old nails. These nails all will be replaced by 1mm bolt-nut connection. This photo also shows the pivots for the motor truck (left), bogie (right), mounting points of the couplings, buffers and buffer plates. The brackets for the steps will follow soon... The bearing axles now have been delivered. Above, these are fixed onto the bogie, whereby disconnect the connectors makes it possible to remove them easy. This bogie is maintenance-free, once fixed these axles no longer need to be removed from the bogie. All traction vehicles and later all carriages and freight wagons were equipped with these axles. Purchasing at one time financially is too much of a good thing, but proportionately this is doable. Between R.T.M. M 67 and M.B.S. EL 104 are 29 years of construction experience, this is clearly visible when both wagons are viewed on the same height and coupled, the construction method has remained the same and has been much improved. Because the frame has been replaced, it has been adjusted to the same height, but the body has different dimensions. M 67 was built from a less accurate drawing at the time and this shows. This remains unchanged, after all M 67 is not a new build locomotive unlike EL 104. All old 'rivets' are replaced by the 1mm bolt-nut connection, which forms a more solid bodywork. The left style still has the old rivets, everything has been removed from the middle style and the right style partly has the new connection fitted. Due to its minuscule nature, this work is very time-consuming. To preserve the character of M 67, both engine room grilles will not be replaced. Also, only one roller shutter and one door remain movable, so it is as it was allready. An important element of the locomotive is the blower with smoke generator unit. M 67 was the first of many to be equipped with this system devised in the workshop, in which a blower blows sucked air through a 6mm tube, which includes a smoke generator (closed system). This smoke, together with the sucked air, is then blown out through the exhaust, similar to a combustion engine. Because the revolutions of the blower dependent on the driving voltage, it seems as if it is being accelerated at higher driving speeds. With the old system, the smoke generator received the operating voltage from the internal battery (12V=), while the blower started running when driving away. Now the smoke generator is also supplied with driving voltage, so smoke development starts later... When all equipment is adapted for digital driving, there permanently will be voltage on the rails, including on the system (lighting, smoke generator, sound system, etc.), but the blower will run with the regulated driving voltage or at the most favorable case even a completely separate arrangement with DCC. In the image above, the old exhaust is being modified. The smoke generator hangs significantly lower on the exhaust to prevent the liquid from ending up in the blower. The blower with overpressure pipe to which the exhaust is connected. To the left of this is a weight block that should eventually resemble an diesel engine. The workshop is working hard to get M 67 ready. Partly to make room for the phasing out of finnishing M.B.S. AB 1 and AB 7, of which has been halted since January and partly to put M 67 into service. There is currently no garden railway for test driving, but some alternatives are available. All doors have been replaced, the engine room, both steering positions and the luggage compartment have been painted gray again. The lighting has been reconnected and the engine room and luggage compartment are now also equipped with interior lighting. After the engine and generator were replaced, finishing of the roof started. The direction film cabinets are designated "Rotterdam" at the back steering position and "Hellevoetsluis" at the front. The wiring is not connected and hangs loose under the locomotive, the PCB with switches and rectifiers is in the making. The PCB with all components for lighting, traction, smoke generator, etc. hangs at the bottom of the luggage compartment of the M 67. All switches have a label where the red position is 'on' and black is of course 'off'. Here too, experience shows off; the print was made correctly in one go. All cabling is neatly concealed in the locomotive, on the right of the image two cable harnesses go up in the double wall between the engine room and the luggage compartment for the power supply of spotlights, interior lighting and the lighting of the direction film cabinets. The series resistors for the LEDs are included on the PCB for better accessibility if necessary. recovery. The test connector is new to provide the locomotive with driving power on the test bench, without connecting to the wheels. All self-built traction vehicles will be equipped with this over time and the test bench will be equipped with a connection for this. The voltage regulator on the PCB is for the blower, so it is limited to 12 V=. The rectifiers provide a fixed plus and minus DC voltage when the direction of travel changes. M 67 is in the workshop on the test track for further finishing and detailing. As mentioned earlier, I decide to leave the appearance of the locomotive as original as possible. The engine room grilles, doors and shutters have been left as they were on the old locomotive. However, the thin metal roof has been replaced by a wooden one, like EL 102 and EL 104. With the next construction project of EL 101, it will also have the same wooden roof. The 'sanding' of the roof before it gets the final gray color. A nice detail shot of the left front. During construction in 1993, a similar color of brown paint was used , but it turned out to be the wrong color. The top half is already painted the correct brown color, while the bottom half still has the wrong light brown color on the posts. The old M 67 next to the slightly younger EL 103, historically this is not possible at all, but fortunately in terms of model it is. They represent one and the same motor vehicle...! This is one of the reasons why the wagon number of locomotive EL 103 D IV was changed to EL 102 D V. Links in the current R.T.M. version and right in the pre-war M.B.S. performance. Three stages of removing the old and applying the new R.T.M. company logo. The old one was once a paper cut-out, photographically reduced copy that looked super tight back in 1993. Nowadays the workshop has more modern methods, such as laser printing on decal waterslide with beautiful results. However, printing white ink is very expensive for consumers, so other solutions has to be found. After cutting out the four logos, the frame of one was cut out generously. This frame was used as a mold to apply white correction ink to the railcar, creating a white background. After the white correction ink had dried, the logo was applied to this, which was then fixed with clear varnish. M 67 on the test track to test all functions, such as lighting, traction, smoke generator, etc., behind it is EL 103 D IV. Technically, the locomotive is approved to drive on its own track and/or guest tracks. Small items such as the steps and the tension supports for the frame still need to be installed and are in the making. The recovery overhaul is to be completed tomorrow, July 1, 2022. As with most projects, an irregularity arises at the last minute. In this case, the cable to the rear headlights was punctured when installing the step. This has been professionally repaired by the workshop. On Friday, July 1, 2022, R.T.M. M 67 was completed by the M.B.S. workshop and put into service. This completes this restoration project. The entire frame, blower, all headlights, control board, ballast weight, roof, two partition walls, two axles in the walking truck, motor truck, direction film boxes, frame supports, steps, logos and couplings have been replaced. All 'ironwork' and fittings of the railcar have been repainted in the correct colours, the woodwork is left unchanged. The duration of the project was approximately 100 hours. The repair approximately costs €175. The old frame, roof and defective items have been preserved and stored. An attempt has been made to leave M 67 as original as possible to preserve its original character of the 1993 locomotive untouched and intact, the locomotive has certainly retained its identity!
- M.B.S. serie 400 | Maas Buurt Spoor
M.B.S. series 400 open 4-axle freight cars M.B.S. 402 M.B.S. 402 from the series 401-404 is a stake car from a set of 2 (L.G.B. 45690) Both platforms have been removed and the freight car is equipped with guide rails for transport of motor trucks, bogies and wheel axles. The frame of M.B.S 402 is extended with one stanchion position in accordance with M.B.S. 406 (ex 281 and 282) using the parts of M.B.S. 401. New numbering on October 9, 2023. M.B .S . 404 M.B.S. 404 from the series 401-404 is a stake car from a set of 2 (L.G.B. 45690) Both platforms have been removed and the stanchions are suitable for transporting pantographs. The frame of M.B.S 404 is extended with one stanchion position in accordance with M.B.S. 406 (ex 281 and 282) using parts of M.B.S. 401. New numbering on October 9, 2023. M.B .S . 406 M.B.S. 406 from the series 405-413 is an open freight car, composed of former 281 and 282. The frame of open freight car 401 was devided and mounted at both ends with a new frame part inserted. This new 4-axle vehicle with fixed bulkheads was given two so-called Metallurgique bogies that were in storage.
- R.T.M. 638
R.T.M. 638 Closed freight wagon R.T.M. 638 is the sixth self-built tram model. This car was also sold to the R.T.M. in 1997. and does not serve on the model railway there, it lacks the correct couplings. Given sufficient opportunity, the M.B.S. workshop offers again the R.T.M. the opportunity to repair (if necessary) and adjustment of the connections of the R.T.M. 638.
- M.B.S. 49 | Maas Buurt Spoor
M.B.S. loc 49 The second non-self-built locomotive is a Gmeinder locomotive (L.G.B. 2090), with park number M.B.S. 49. For a long time it was assumed that it was a Deutz type locomotive, but it is a Gmeinder (Austrian manufacturer). This is also a standard locomotive from L.G.B. which also appeared in initial sets and it had a yellow color. This locomotive was imported second-hand from Germany and performed shunting services until... shunting locomotive R.T.M. M 1652 was new build for this task. M.B.S. 49 already received an external frame in 2021, but axle boxes with spring packages were required for the R.T.M. M 1652 'Puttershoek', but because the M 1652 was already taking over the services, the 49 was taken out of service without it's B-drive. In order to have a spare shunting locomotive available, the 49 was taken out of the mothball fleet. With this revision, 49 (the old park number was no. 5) has received LED lighting, a new outer frame and the typical M.B.S. blue color with larger yellow-black buffer plates. This locomotive is in service. M.B.S. locomotive 49 in its original appearance, with inner frame and without park number, in the yellow color with red wheels, on one of it's few photos. The locomotive has already been adapted for service on the tram track, the lamps on the cabin have already been removed and the flashing light was installed. After a while the locomotive would be painted olive green and given park number 5. The locomotive was put into service almost immediately, used here for the construction of the overhead lines with the old portals. Both flat wagons now exist as M.B.S. 406 as one car. M.B.S. locomotive 49 in it's former livery olive green and with original front lights. It still has number 5 from the old numbering, before it officially became part of the M.B.S. and with the inner frame and buffer beams were to small and coupling rods on the wheels. It's B-unit was mounted on M.B.S. locomotive 45 Venlo, the M.B.S. 49 received the old unit from the G.T.N. 9 city tram. M.B.S. locomotive 49 with it's current livery, blue with new LED lights. The locomotive has been given a new outer frame with new larger buffer plates and new center buffers. These center buffers were again manufactured in-house and made resilient. The heavier frame looks more solid and the yellow warning stripes give this machine an industrial appearance.
- News and changes of 2022 | Model Buurt Spoor
News and changes Below all news items of 2022. For news items of 2023 click here For news items of 2021 click here 20-12-2022 You are probably wondering why it's quiet in the M.B.S. workplace? I can reassure you that fortunately there is a lack of inspiration on my part and the staff has also been given early leave. Of course I can continue with this wonderful hobby, but there is (fortunately) more than that. There will be a (Christmas) holiday period of no less than two weeks, during which the proverbial thread will be picked up again. From the M.B.S. workshop in Arnhem, the entire management wishes you a blessed Christmas and a prosperous 2023. See you next year! 11-11-2022 The G.T.N. (Nijmegen) tram set emw 9 + ahr 107 is being converted into a G.E.T.A. (Arnhem) tram set. The reason for this is due to G.T.N. emw 32 (still) waiting for finishing and completion and two Nijmegen trams exists. The wagon numbers are again fictitious and follow up with the former origin company. For the railcar this will be G.E.T.A. emw 22 and the trailer carriage G.E.T.A. ahr 51. The motor car will have the characteristic Arnhem sloping windscreens and folding doors. 10-11-2022 The B.S.M. motor car was major upgraded, where all doors have been replaced, the (only) entry and exit door has been made movable, the correct color has been applied and the roof has been given a sand color. The upgrade was necessary because of the provisionally closed wooden doors, one of which was already out. A photo of this motor car can be found here . 04-11-2022 Stake wagons M.B.S. 402 and 404 now have the stanchions all around and the surface-mounted platforms have been removed. In the origin company, these stake wagons never had braking platforms with fencing. M.B.S. 402 has been fitted with guide rails for the transport of motor trucks, bogies and wheel axles. For details about these wagons, check out 'equipment/pulled factory freight wagons'. 02-11-2022 Locomotive 48 is equipped with a very well-functioning video inspection system. This makes it possible to take photos of certain situations, as well as video recordings, controlled by app. The system is equipped with a 32GB memory card for this purpose, but also has a possibility to stream directly to a mobile phone. 01-11-2022 After tests, cleaning locomotive no. 3 was changed in the equipment file to cleaning and inspection locomotive M.B.S. 48. The locomotive temporarily had a video inspection system on board, but 1 of 2 PCBs failed during the test. The management has decided to make the experiment permanent and a new camera has been ordered for the locomotive. While the test system had 2 cameras, the new system only has 1, which turned out to be sufficient. Locomotive 48 also has a new livery with the 'old' locomotive color with which the Hohenzollern steam locomotives of the large company used to run. The report of adjusting the locomotive can be read here. The locomotive is currently on the test track in the workshop, awaiting the new video inspection system. 13-10-2022 Dump truck O.E.G. 4141 today is for sale and possibly can be exchanged for an LGB boxcar series 4035. For contact an email to will do. M.B.S. 220 will not be rebuilt and has been removed from the equipment list, the M.B.S. still has sufficient closed freight wagons available. The chassis of the 220 will be reused for the 701 with the similar function as 702. The cleaning shoes of 702 will be replaced on 701, after which 702 will be disposed of. After this, the M.B.S. only closed wagons, flat wagons, box wagons and stake wagons are still in service as freight wagons. 11-10-2022 Wagon R.T.M. PD 299 is for sale today and can possibly be exchanged for an LGB closed car series 4035. For contact an email to will do. 11-10-2022 The workshop delivered locomotive 48 today, making it the first machine in N.B.D.S. / M.B.S. blue. All M.B.S. steam tram locomotives from the origin company had this blue color at the time. An image and more information about this locomotive is to be seen here . 09-10-2022 Today the workshop has L.E. 101 delivered, completing this construction project. It's possible now to show the origin of three wooden locomotives of M.B.S. The full construction report can be read here . 27-09-2022 The logistics department announced that the number of 1mm nuts and bolts has been drastically reduced through the construction of EL 101 and 220. EL 101 alone contains almost 600 pieces, with a cost of almost €450.... These will be the last models with this construction method for a while. AB 1, AB 7, R.T.M. AB 1501 and MABD 1801 'Sperwer' will be last-built. 22-09-2022 Almost all photos on this website can be enlarged by simply clicking on them. If you click on the enlarged photo again, it will disappear again for further navigation on the site. 09/20/2022 As a trial, it is now possible to enlarge the photos on this website by simply clicking on them. If you click on the enlarged photo again, it will disappear again for further navigation on the site. For now only the photos in the story about big business , soon followed by other pages. 02-09-2022 The M.B.S. workshop is back in operation after the nice warm summer period. To make room in the workshop for the further construction of AB1, AB 7 and EL 101, it was first necessary to complete closed freight wagon M.B.S. 220. After approval from the management, it was decided to bring this work on the 220 forward in the planning. Repair work has already started and the old frame will be partly replaced. The repair work on the 220 ishere to read and this report is regularly supplemented with information and photos. After completion of this repair work, AB 1 and AB 7 are scheduled for completion. This is followed by the EL 101. 10-08-2022 The announcement of the construction of R.T.M. AB 1501 and R.T.M. MABD 1801 'Sperwer' has been suspended until further notice due to low staffing of the M.B.S. workshop and the (too) warm summer weather. 08-08-2022 The workshop again has fitted M.B.S. 281 and 282 with frames so that both can be used again. For this reason dump truck O.E.G. 4141 is taken out of service and dismantled.. This car had not been in service for several years and did not fit into the equipment collection. 02-07-2022 The workshop has started the construction of M.B.S. EL 101 postal baggage car. This has been a request from the operating service for some time to cope with the increase of goods in passenger trams. On this page the construction of LE 101 can be followed 01-07-2022 R.T.M. M 67 has now left the workshop and has been put into service. This completes this restoration project. The entire frame, blower, all headlights, control board, ballast weight, roof, two partition walls, two axles in the walking truck, motor truck, direction film boxes, frame supports, steps, logos and couplings have been replaced. All ironwork of the railcar has been repainted in the correct colours, the woodwork is unchanged. The duration of the project was approximately 100 hours. The repair costs were approximately €175. The complete restoration project can be seen here 09-06-2022: The management of the M.B.S. has decided to give priority to the project of M.B.S. EL 101 to be built at our own workshop. As soon as work on M 67 is completed, construction of LE 101 will start next. The request to own a postal baggage car is answered accordingly. 09-06-2022: The repair work on M 67 is in full progress. M 67 gets a completely new frame, the old frame was made of aluminum and therefore unusable. 30-05-2022: M.B.S. board received positive feedback about the definitive return of M67 from the board of R.T.M. Ouddorp This first built motor car will be repaired and overhauled from Tuesday, June 7, 2022. 21-04-2022: The design of the new garden track is known, the track plan of B.S.M. as it was on the east side of Karstraat in Bemmel from 1908 to 1935. This track plan is not directly related to the M.B.S., but it does offer more than enough possibilities. 02-02-2022: The dismantling of the M.B.S. outdoor track in Den Bosch is a fact, this afternoon the break-up tram brought the last rails to the assembly location. 31-01-2022: The last trams ran on M.B.S. outdoor track on Sunday, January 30, 2022., the tracks will be broken up from February 1. This decision was taken by the management due to an upcoming move. It is not yet known when the trams will run again at the new location. 28-01-2022: The last trams will run on the M.B.S. outdoor track on Sunday, January 30, 2022, after which the tracks will be broken up from February 1 on. When the trams will run again at the new location, is not yet known. 23-01-2022: The workshop took the grinding wagon, which ran in front of the grinding locomotive, out of service and removed it. The conversion of the weed tank wagon into a functional rail cleaner was a good reason. 16-01-2022: The workshop has partly completed the construction of Backer & Rueb locomotive B.S.M. 10 and is being redesigned for the further construction of M.B.S. AB 1 and AB 7. 13-01-2022: The M.B.S. The workshop is now equipped with a real band saw machine, in addition to a milling, column drill and hand drill. 10-01-2022: A new group has been created on FB that runs parallel to this website. It replaces the professional FB group that was created over a year ago and wasn't without costs..
- Woodgas traction 1941-1944 | Model Buurt Spoor
M.B.S. diesel-electric trams D I, D II and D III with wood gas traction in wartime 1941 - 1944 The last day of exploitation September 17, 1944 The period 1940 - 1945, or the last five years of service between Nijmegen, Gennep and Venlo, were heavy for the M.B.S. company. Partly because the line lay completely between the Maas (west) and the German border (east), after June 1944 with the airborne landings of the Market Garden plan, the situation became increasingly difficult to arrive at a good timetable. With the start of the liberation of Nijmegen on September 17, 1944, tram D I EL 106 - AB 13 was on the station square of Nijmegen, D II El 105 was for overhaul in Gennep, of which control car AB 12 had crashed in Malden Noord on June 19, 1944 and D III EL 104 - AB 14 was also located in Gennep. The purchase and installation of Imbert wood gas generators from 1941 Back to 1940, shortly after the Germans occupied the Netherlands. Daily life went on as usual, many things remained as they were before May 1940, but many government affairs were taken over by the Germans. This meant for many private individuals, but certainly also for businesses, that fuels such as petrol, diesel oil, petroleum, etc. were no longer or hardly available anymore. So alternatives had to be found, such as driving on anthracite gas, wood gas or peat gas. For the M.B.S. Wood gas generators have proven to be the best, they have already been used on buses with varying degrees of success. Wood gas generators were also purchased for the trams, with Imbert being chosen as supplier. In 1941, the first tram set EL 106 - AB 13 D I was converted with an Imbert installation in the workshop in Gennep on the instructions of the Imbert company. Tram EL 105 - AB 12 D II followed in 1942 and tram EL 104 - AB 14 D III in 1943. The diesel engines were modified for this purpose, whereby the injection device was removed, a thicker copper plate was placed between the cylinder block and valve head for lower compression, a carburetor was placed on the intake manifold and a complete ignition mechanism with spark plugs was installed in place of the injection valves. To gasify the spools of dry wood, a high double-walled bunker with a capacity of 1.6 m3 was placed in the luggage compartment (the largest installed in the Netherlands at that time by Imbert). The filling opening was accessible via a small narrow ladder that was mounted on the side of the railcar, not exactly without risk with a basket of wood spools on your shoulder... The gas coolers were also located on the roof of the railcar, the pre-cleaners hung under the railcar, between the bogies, for better accessibility while cleaning the tar filters, a dirty job.. In addition to the bunker between the many gas pipes, there was also a cyclone catcher by Van Tongeren, a Dutch invention. In this cyclone catcher, the small soot particles were 'thrown' out of the gas flow, so that clean flammable gas remained. Likewise, the pre- and post-cleaners under the railcars in which tar and other impurities were filtered from the gas flow had to be cleaned regularly, a not very good job for the person who had to carry it out. To be continued.
- M.B.S. serie 500 | Maas Buurt Spoor
M.B.S. series 500 Self-unloaders 2-axle In the M.B.S. 500 series are the self-unloaders, all fictitious. This series of single wagons currently only consists of self-unloader 501, but will be expanded to three in the future. M.B .S . 501 The M.B.S. 501 self-unloader is the first of a series of three 501-503 part of the self-unloader series 500. On October 4, 2023, the M.B.S. 501 originated from the old O.E.G. 4141 and painted rust brown.