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R.T.M. serie 51-58 'Groene Kar'


This R.T.M. three-axle steam tram locomotive from the series 51-58 was an 'in-between' project in 1995 and the fifth tram model.

The drive of a Märklin Maxi steam locomotive served as a basis, but it ran much faster than the scale speed.

However, this locomotive never served on my track.
The photo is on the donor day of the R.T.M.

Made in 2020, the locomotive was out of use on the model railway

of the R.T.M. on the 1st floor.

Apparently this model has a high-gloss lacquer layer, which absolutely destroys the model...

Behind it (upside down) is the second model, the MABD 1602 'Reiger'.

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